Red Dance 14th June Seton’s Ceilidh Band

SETON’S CEILIDH BAND (J4x64) 4C set Bruce Fordyce Morison’s Bush Collection

1- 8 1C cross RH and cast 1 place (2C step up), dance down between 3C (3C step up) and cast down behind 4C to 4th place (4C step up)
9-16 1C dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides (1s in/up, 4s out/down)
17-24 1C cross RH and cast up 1 place, lead up between 3C and cast up behind 2C to 1st place own sides
25-32 1C dance reflection reels of 3 on own sides (1s in down, 2s out/up)
33-40 1C cross RH and cast down 1 place (2C step up) 1C give RH to partner and LH to 1st corners, Balance-in-Line and turn partner RH to give LH to 2nd corners
41-48 Balance-in-Line and 1C dance out and cast down behind 3C, meet and lead up to top crossing to 1st place own sides (2C step down)
49-60 1L+2L and 1M+2M change places RH on sides and 2C+1C cross over LH, repeat with 3C and 4C until reaching the bottom of the set
61-64 All turn partners RH 1½ times