Mid-Winter Theme Night

We have a Mid-Winter theme night with live music played by the Cranberry Tarts. There is still a Red Dance so make sure to check it out. Everyone is invited to join us afterward for some supper and mulled wine.

Last weekend the Teacher workshop was a great success.   We had 68 registered for the weekend coming from all around NZ and Australia. Graham Donald led the workshop, tutored the Friday night class and was the MC for the dance.  It was great to see some of you were able to be at the […]

No Dancing on Monday

And no, it’s not an April Fools’ joke! Due to the Teachers Workshop it has been decided we won’t be dancing on Monday 1st April.   Annual Subscriptions A reminder that subs are now due. Payment by the end of March is much appreciated, and that date is coming up rather quickly.

Summer Dancing

Summer Dancing is a great way to ease back into dancing after the Christmas period. It is in the law school grounds, Lambton Quay/Stout St, Wellington. Dancing is on the last 2 Tuesdays in January (23/01, 30/01) and first 2 Tuesdays in February (06/02, 13/02), starting at 7pm. All welcome, the dances are typically well-known […]

A Year End

Thanks to everyone who made dancing this year so enjoyable, and we hope to see you again next year. As a reminder, we have Summer Dancing in the last two Tuesdays in January and first two Tuesdays in February. Dancing starts again in March.

69th LHSCDC AGM 2023

Next week (6th November) is the club’s Annual General Meeting. There will be some dancing before the meeting starts at around 8:45pm. Included below are the minutes from last year’s AGM, this year’s Agenda, President’s Report and Financial Report. LHSCD Accounts Fin Year 2023 Minutes of AGM 2022 President’s Report to AGM – 2023 AGM […]