September 7th Red Dance Orpington Caledonians

Orpington Caledonians
John Brenchley   RSCDS Book 49
Reel   8 x 32 bars   3 Couple Repeat   4 Couple Set   Longwise Set

  1-2   1’s set, 1L finishing facing out;

3-6   1L, followed by 1M, cast and chase to finish in 2nd place on opposite sides, 1L facing out;

7-8   1L3M 1M3L turn halfway by the left, 3M 1M finishing facing out;

9-16 3’s and 1’s ladies’ chain, 1M finishing facing out;

17-20 1M, followed by 1L, cast up and chase to finish in 2nd place on own sides, 1M facing out;

21-24 2’s and 1’s right hands across, 1M finishing facing out;

25-32 2’s, 1’s and 3’s parallel reels of 3 on the sides, 1’s giving left shoulder to 3’s to start.


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