Midnight Oil – 29 July

1-8     1s & 3s lead down & 3/4 turn RH to L facing down & M up, retaining hold of RH set & L turns under ptnrs Rt arm to dance up (Men follow prtnr) 9-16     1s & 3s dance RH across with 2L/4L, 1s & 3s dance LH across with 4M/5M to […]

The First Rain of Spring – 22 July

1-8     1s dance down, cast up round 3s, meet, dance up to 1st place facing out. 1s+2s 1/2 turn (Men LH, Ladies RH) 9-16     2s+1s dance double Figs 8 (1s cross up, 2s cast to start) 17-20     1s+3s 3/4 turn RH into line up/down in middle facing partner & set 21-28    […]

The Cranberry Tart – 15 July

1-8     1M sets & casts 1 place, sets & petronella turns between 3s facing up while 1L stands for 2 bars then sets, casts 1 place & sets 9-16     1M sets in line with 3s & all 3 Adv+Ret then 1M advances to partner while 1L petronella turns between 2s & sets in line with 2s then […]

The Fireworks Reel – 8 July

1-8     1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s dance 1/2 figures of 8 (1L round 2s, 1M round 3s) & end facing 1st corners 9-12     1s set moving out between corners (as in Hello-Goodbye setting) & 1s turn LH to face 1st corners 13-16     1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 […]

The Mercat Cross (S) – 01 July

(This dance may be walked through quickly on Monday)   1-4     1C+3C set, petronella turn into line up/down. 5-8     1C+3C 1/2 reels of 4. 9-12   1M+2C+3W LHA while 1W+3M chase clw to change places. 13-20 Repeat bars 5-12 (1/2 reel of 4, LHA or chase halfway). 21-24  1C+3C 1&1/4 turn RH, 1C finishing […]

The Black Leather Jig – 24 June

1-8     1s set, turn RH, cast 1 place & 3/4 turn LH to face 3rd corner 9-16     1s dance LSh reels of 3 across the set (M with 2s & L with 3s) & 1s turn LH to face 1st corner 17-24     1s dance LSh reels of 3 across the set (L […]

The Aviator – 17 June

1-8     1s lead down, on bar 4 1M crosses partner in front & 1L followed by 1M cast up behind 4M & 3M & across into 2nd place facing 3L (2s step up 3-4) 9-16     1s (1L leading) dance 1/2 alternating tandem reel with 1st corners; 1M continues reel with corners passing 3L […]

1-4     1M+2s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (1M+2L pass LSh). 1M finishes between 2s facing down 5-8     1M+3s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (1M+3M pass RSh), 1M finishes between 3s facing down while 1L+2s dance 1/2 reel of 3 across (1L+2L pass RSh). 2L finishes between 2s facing down. 2s finish in 1st […]

Castle of Mey – 3 May

1-8     Inveran Reels – 1s cross down to dance 1/2 reel of 3 on opp side; 1s cross up to dance 1/2 reel on own sides (2s out/up, 3s in/up), 2s face out 9-16     1s+2s dance double Figs of 8 (1s start crossing down, 2s dancing up) 17-24     1s lead down the […]

Sleepwalking – 27 May

1-8     1s cross RH, cast to 2nd place (2s step up), turn LH & cast down to 3rd place (3s step up) 9-16     1s dance reflection reels on opposite sides (1s in/up, 3s out/down, 2s in/down to start) 17-24    1s dance up to top, cast to 2nd place while 3s continue reel to 3rd […]

Farewell to Balfour Road – 20 May

1-8     1s+2s circle 4H round & back 9-16     1s+2s Set+Link; 1s+3s Set+Link 17-24     2s start while 1s+4s+5s dance mirror reels of 3 on sides (1s in/down, 5s in/up to start) 25-32     1s set, cross down RH to 4th place (4s step up); 1s set, cross down LH to 5th place (5s step up) […]

Swirling Snow – 13 May

1-8     1s cross RH & cast 1 place, 1s dance down between 3s & cast to 2nd place opposite sides 9-16     All 1/2 turn & twirl to change places, all turn RH into allemande hold (2s & 3s face down, 1s face up) 17-24     All dance Circulating Allemande: 1s dance normal Allemande […]

White Heather Jig – 6 May

1-8     1s turn RH & cast to 2nd place, turn 1.1/2 LH to end between 2s facing opposite sides 9-16     1s+2s dance Reel of 4 across, 1s pass RSh to face 1st corners 17-24     1s turn corner, partner, corner, partner, to end between 3s facing opposite sides 25-32     1s+3s dance Reel […]

Black Leather Jig – 29 April

1-8     1s set, turn RH, cast 1 place & 3/4 turn LH to face 3rd corner 9-16     1s dance LSh reels of 3 across the set (M with 2s & L with 3s) & 1s turn LH to face 1st corner 17-24     1s dance LSh reels of 3 across the set (L […]

Eileen Watt’s Reel – 22 April

1-8     1s cross RH & cast 1 place, lead down LH crossing below 3s & cast up to 2nd place own side 9-16     2s & 3s petronella turn into middle & set, 1s petronella turn into middle (1L between 2s & 1M between 3s) & all set 17-24     2L+1L & 1M+3M (both […]

Swiss Lassie – 8 April

1-8     1s dance in & cast to 3rd place, 2s+1s turn partners RH 1.1/4 times to form a line up & down middle of set (Men facing down Ladies up) 9-16     2s+1s dance reel of 4 up & down middle of set ending with 2M facing Ladies side & 1L facing Men’s side […]

Inchmickery – 18 March

1-8     1s+2s circle 4H round to left, 1s dance in & cast to 3rd place 9-16     1s dance RH across (1L with 3s & 1M with 4s), pass RSh & dance LH across with other couple 2 3 1 4 5 17-24     1L+2M (at top) also 1M+5L (at bottom) turn RH, 1s […]

Links With St Petersburg – 13 November

1-8     1s & 2s Set+Link ending NHJ in the middle facing, 1s & 2s Set+link with partners to opposite sides. 9-16     1s followed by 2s dance down for 3 bars & change places with Lady dancing under Mans arm, 2s+1s dance up to 1st & 2nd places 17-24     2M+1M turn LH as […]

Trip to Timber Ridge – 20 October

1-8     1s turn RH, cast (2s step up) then 1L+2s & 1M+3s dance RH across. 1s end facing 1st corners 9-16     1s dance Corner Pass+Turn with 1st corners, pass RSh & repeat with 2nd corners. 1s pull back RSh to end BtoB in centre facing opp sides 17-24     2s+1s+3s dance Double Triangles. […]

Mr William Brown’s Reel – 16 October

1-8     1s+2s+3s dance reflection reels on own sides (1s in & down to start) 9-16     1s turn RH into 2nd place (2s up), dance out & cast round 3s & turn LH into 2nd place own sides 17-24     2s+1s dance 1/2 R&L & dance DoSiDo with partner 25-32     1s+2s turn partners […]

The Music Makars – 9 October

1-8     1s turn RH, cast 1 place & turn partner LH to Bal-in-Line position with 1st corners 9-16     1s Bal-in-Line with 1st corners then face 1st corners & set, 1s turn to right again & Bal-in-Line with corners then turn ptnr RH to face 2nd crnrs 17-24     1s Bal-in-Line with 2nd corners […]

Mairi’s Wedding – 2 October

1-8     1s turn RH & cast to 2nd place (2s step up); 1s turn LH to face 1st corners 9-16     1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, 1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 2nd corners 17-24     1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 3rd corner (pstns), 1/2 diagonal reel with […]

A Capital Jig – 18 September

1-8     1s+2s Set & Rotate & end 1s facing up, 2s down: Set, rotate singly & dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides & dance on 1 place to own sides (1s in 2nd place facing up) 9-16     1s dance reels of 3 on own sides (RSh to 2s) 17-24  […]

Miss Nidra Aitken – 11 September

1-8     1s+2s dance Espagnole 9-16     2s+1s+3s set advancing to RSh/RSh with partner, all dancing to R chase back to own sides, 2s & 3s cross RH whilst 1s turn RH to face 3rd corner positions 17-24     1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4, pass RSh to face 4th corner position, dance 1/2 […]

The Robertson Rant – 21 August

1-8     All circle 8H round & back 9-16     All Ladies dance RH across 1/2 way & turn opposite Man LH, all Ladies dance 1/2 RH across & turn partner LH 17-24     1s+3s dance reel of 4 (Ladies start by passing LSh as Men set) 25-32     All set (HS) to corners, turn […]

Best Set in the Hall (J) – 14 August

1-8     1s set & 1L followed by partner casts below 3s. 1L crosses & casts up to face her 1st corner while 1M dances up the middle to face 1st corner 9-12     1s set to 1st corners & dance RSh round each other into 3rd corner (pstn) while 1st corners dance in & turn right about to […]

John Cass – 07 August

1-8     1s lead down (2s+3s step up 3-4), lead up to 3rd place & turn RH to face 3M with 1L following 1M 9-16     1s, 3M+2M, 4L+5L all in tandem, dance alternating tandem reel on diagonal (1s pass 3M+2M RSh). 1s end facing 4M, 1L following 1M 17-24     1s, 4M+5M, 2L+3L all […]

The Hunting Horn – 31 July

1-8     1s cast 1 place, cross RH, cast below 3s & dance up middle to 2nd place BtoB in centre facing opp sides for Double Triangles 9-16     1s dance Double Triangles & end facing 2nd corners 17-24     1s dance diagonal reels of 4 with 2nd corners, pass partner LSh to face 1st […]

The Cranberry Tart – 17 July

1-8     1M sets & casts 1 place, sets & petronella turns between 3s facing up while 1L stands for 2 bars then sets, casts 1 place & sets 9-16     1M sets in line with 3s & all 3 Adv+Ret then 1M advances to partner while 1L petronella turns between 2s & sets in line with 2s then […]

Scott Meikle – 10 July

1-8     1s cross RH & cast to 2nd place, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s 9-16     1s+3s dance RH across, LH back 17-24     1L followed by 3L dance Tandem reel of 3 across with 2s (LSh to 2M) & 1s end 3rd pl while 3M followed by 1M dance reel of 3 […]

Balmaha – 3 July

1-8     1s+2s set, circle 4H round to left, turn 2H into prom hold facing up 9-16     1s+2s dance Allemande 1s end turning LH once round to face 1st corners (note this is correct, however not shown in video) 17-20     1s dance RSh round 1st corner position & end facing 2nd corners as […]

Beach Dancer – 26 June

1-8     1s set & cross RH, 1s set to 2s on sides & change places LH 9-16     2s+1s dance Ladies’ Chain 17-24     1M followed by 1L casts behind 3L & 1M crosses to own side then casts up to 2nd place as 1L dances up middle to 2nd pl. (4 bars), 2s+1s […]

The Sailor – 19 June

1-8     1s cross down RH to face out between 2s & 3s giving hands to each corner & set, 1s cast round 1st corner to form lines of 3 across with 2s/3s & 2s+1s+3s set. 9-16     1s (turning to right) dance RSh reels of 3 across & 1s end passing LSh to 2nd […]

Seton’s Ceilidh Band – 12 June

1-8     1s cross RH & cast 1 place (2 step up), dance down between 3s (3s step up) & cast down behind 4s to 4th place (4s step up) 9-16     1s dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides (1s in/up, 4s out/down) 17-24     1s cross RH & cast up 1 place, […]

The Castle of Mey (R) – 5 June

1-8     Inveran Reels – 1s cross down to dance 1/2 reel of 3 on opp side; 1s cross up to dance 1/2 reel on own sides (2s out/up, 3s in/up), 2s face out 9-16     1s+2s dance double Figs of 8 (1s start crossing down, 2s dancing up) 17-24     1s lead down the […]

The Australian Ladies (R) – 29 May

1-8     1s cross RH, cast down to 3rd place (2c step up) & 3s+1s dance RH across. 9-16     1s lead up to top, cross, cast to 2nd place (3c step down on 11-12) & 2s+1s dance LH across. 17-32     2c+3c (“corners”) set and change place RH four times following the track of […]

The Luckenbooth Brooch (J) – 22 May

1-8     1s in prom hold (Lady on Man’s left) dance reel of 3 with 2s (RSh to 2M) & end facing 3M 9-16     1s dance reel with 3s (RSh to 3M) ending with 1s dancing into centre facing Men’s side 17-24     1M casts up & 1L down into centre & dance out […]

Pelorus Jack (J) – 15 May

1-8     1s cross RH & cast 1 place (2s step up 3-4), 1s dance RH across with 3s. 1s end with Man facing his 1st corner with his partner behind him 9-16     1s dance Alternating Tandem 1/2 reel of 3 with 1st corners to face Man’s 2nd corner, 1s dance Alternating Tandem 1/2 […]

The Irish Rover (R) – 08 May

1-8     1s dance down below 3s & cast up to 2nd place own sides, 1L dances RH across with 2s while 1M dances RH across with 3s 9-16     1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, 1/2 reel with 2nd corners & 1/2 turn LH in centre to face 1st corners 17-24    […]

Three Feisty Women (R) – 01 May

1–8     1s+2s dance double Fig of 8 (1s crossing down to start) 9–16     1s dance reflection reels on own sides (dance between 2s to start) 17–24     1L followed by partner dance down the middle, 1M followed by partner dance up & out behind 2s to original places 25–32     1s+2s change places […]

Miss Eleanor (S) – 24 April

1–8     1s+2s+3s dance Mirror (Reflection) reels of 3 on sides (1s in/down to start) 9–16     1s set, cast (2s step up) & turn RH. 1L casts to 3rd place, 1M casts up to 1st place (2M steps down & 3L steps up) 17–24     All dance 3 couple Bourrel:      17–20    […]

Scott Meikle (R) – 03 April

1-8     1s cross RH & cast to 2nd place, 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s 9-16     1s+3s dance RH across, LH back 17-24     1L followed by 3L dance Tandem reel of 3 across with 2s (LSh to 2M) & 1s end 3rd pl while 3M followed by 1M dance reel of 3 […]

Ferla Mor (R) – 27 March

1-8     1s set, 1/2 turn RH to 2nd place opposite sides (2s step up), set & turn RH to end 1L facing her 1st corner with partner following 9-16     1s dance RSh Tandem diagonal reel of 3 with 1st corners end facing 3M 17-24     Repeat with 2nd corners 1s end by turning […]

The Missing Turn


Purple Heather Jig – 17 October

PURPLE HEATHER JIG (J4x40) 4C set John Bowie Dickson Dunedin Dances Book 5 3rd and 4th couples start on opposite sides 1- 8 1st  and 4th couples turn RH, cast in 1 place (as 2nd & 3rd couples step up/down) and turn LH 1½ times to end between 2s/3s (Man facing Lady) 9-16 1st +2nd couples also 4th +3rd couples dance a Right Shoulder reel of […]

A-Ward Winning Reel

A-Ward Winning Reel (R8x32) for 3Cs in a 4C set                                Fred DeMarse 1-8           1C set cast off (2C step up) 1C ½ reels of 3 Across (1C LS to 1st corner to start). 9-16      […]

Links with St Petersburg

LINKS WITH ST PETERSBURG  (J8x32)  3C (4C set)                       M Brown                                    RSCDS Bk 46  1- 8    1+2Cs Set + Link ending 2C facing 1C (nearer hands joined). 2+1Cs Set […]

A Summer Meeting

A SUMMER MEETING  (S3x32)  3C                                     I Townshend                RSCDS Book 48  1- 4   1+3Cs turn 3/4 RH into line in middle (M face up, W face down) and set, while 2C turn […]

Chased Lovers

CHASED LOVERS (J8x32) 3Cs 4Cset                  Tim Wilson 1-8          1C set, cross down RH cast around 3C, 1W then dances up to face 1st corner 1M following her.   (2C step up on bars 5+6). 9-16       1C dance a LS tandem reel of […]

The First Rain of Spring

THE FIRST RAIN OF SPRING (J3x32) 3C                                             W Joubert RSCDS Book 49 1- 8     1C dance down, cast up round 3C, meet, dance up to 1st place & face out. 1+2Cs 1/2 turn […]

Trip to Timberridge

TRIP TO TIMBER RIDGE (R8X32) 3C (4C set)                          Linda Henderson              RSCDS Book 52 1- 8     1C turn RH, cast (2C step up), 1W+2C & 1M+3C RH across,  1C end facing 1st corners. 9-16    1C Corner […]

Roaring Jelly

ROARING JELLY (J8x32) 3C (4C set)                            H Foss Glendarroch SD Sheets 1- 8        1C cross RH, cast 1 place, 1C cross RH & cast (M up & W down) into centre 9-16       1+2+3Cs 6Hands round & back […]

The Immigrant Lass

THE IMMIGRANT LASS (J4x32) 4C set                  J Morton Jay                       RSCDS Book 39 1- 8   1+2C turn 1½ times RH, 1+2C dance RHX to end opposite sides while 3+4C now turn 1½ times RH (3+4C start 4 bars behind 1+2C) 9-16 1+2C dance ½ R&L while 3+4C dance RHX, 1+3C (centre couples) dance ½ […]

Dancing the Baby

DANCING THE BABY (R1x72) Square set                           The Musicians’ Wedding  (72R)                   Collin 1- 8     1+3Cs Set&Link finish facing clockwise. 1+3W followed  by partner dance clockwise outside & round the side couples & finish facing them in […]

Bring the Family Night

Hi everyone, it’s bring the grandkids, friends, neighbours & family night this week, but we will ask visitors to sit out one dance and that is the,  The Aviator.  This dance will be taught.   The Aviator (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Bk 52 Carola Fischer  

Knights’ Heys

Knights’ Heys (R8x32) 3C (4C set) 7 Year Itch 1-8     1s set, cast 1 place, cross RH & cast into their 1st corner (pstn) as 1st corners dance in & loop round to face 1st corner (pstns) 9-16     Original 1st corners dance reels of 3 on sides passing 1st corner (pstns) RSh 17-24    […]

Broadford Bay

BROADFORD BAY (R8x32) 3C (4C set)                               A Grant Skye Coll1 + RSCDS leaflets Bk 1- 8     1C followed by 2C dance down the middle, cast up round 3C on own sides, dance in & up to top, 1C casting to […]

Eileen Watt’s Reel

EILEEN WATT’S REEL (R3x32) 3C set                  J Wilkinson 1- 8     1C cross RH & cast 1 place, lead down LH crossing below 3C & cast up to 2nd place own side 9-16    2+3Cs petronella turn into middle & set, 1C petronella turn into middle (1W […]

Bratach Bana

BRATACH BANA (R8x32) 3C (4C set)                                                        John Drewry Bon Accord Book 1- 8     1C turn RH & cast 1 place, 1C dance LSh round 1st corners to […]

Juliet’s Reel

Juliet’s Reel (R8x32) 3C (4Cset)                                                                   Janet Favel 1-4      1W sets & casts 1 place. (2W steps up 3&4). 5-8      1W dances round 3W passing Left Shoulder while 1M sets + casts 1 place (2M steps up 7&8). 9-16     Reels of 3 on the sides, 1+2W also 1+3M passing RS, (2W finishes facing out). […]

The Rose of the North

THE ROSE OF THE NORTH (S8x32) 3C (4C set)                          Goldring                                             Leeds Silver Jubilee 1- 4    1C lead down below 3C, Cross & Cast […]

The Black Black Oil

Sorry this is a little later than normal, we had trouble getting into the website.  Normal service will resume next week!   THE BLACK BLACK OIL                   (R5x32)              5C set                       J Drewry  […]

The Gilly Flower

THE GILLY FLOWER (J8x32) 3C (4C set)                         P Roberts RSCDS Bk 36 1- 8        1+2Cs dance Set & Rotate, (1C finish facing down) to flow into 9-16       2+1+3Cs dance reels of 3 on sides (1C pass 3C by LSh […]

Cherry Blossom Time

CHERRY BLOSSOM TIME (J8x32) 3C (4C set)                                J Drewry Cherry Blossom Bk 1- 8      1W+2M change places RH & cast to partners place while 1M+2W set & dance down OR up 1 place, 1+2C’s dance RH across.     […]

The Diamond Quarrie

THE DIAMOND QUARRIE  (R8x32)  3C (4C set)                                   E Brunken  Dunsmuir Dances 1- 8   1C cross RH as 2C set, 1+2Cs dance ¾ double Fig of 8 (2s cross up to start) 9-16  1C dance mirror reels of 3 on […]

Cape Town Wedding

CAPE TOWN WEDDING (S8x32) 3C (4C set)                         Tom Kerr RSCDS Book 39 1- 8       1C cross down (no hands) to 2nd place (2C step up), 1C dance out & ½ turn 3C with nearer hand, 1C ½ turn RH & lead up […]

John of Bon Accord

JOHN OF BON ACCORD  (R8x32)  3C (4C set)                             Roy Goldring  RSCDS Bk 33  1- 16   1C dance 4 progressive ½ diagonal reels of 3:  1C pass Right Shoulder to ½ reel with 2W, then 1C pass Left Shoulder to ½ reel with […]


Butterfly (4x32R) 4C set                                                                  The Musicians’ Wedding 1-8        1C dance in & cast 1 place (2C step up 3&4) 1&3C’s […]

Emmetts’ Chase

EMMETTS’ CHASE (J8x32) 3C (4C set)                                              J Brenchley The Other Kangaroo Paw 1- 8        1W sets & casts 1 place,  1W ½ Fig of 8 round 3C to finish in […]

Dancing The Baby R1x72

DANCING THE BABY (R1x72 for 4Cs) Square set                                                                                          The Musicians’ Wedding […]

The Water of Leith

THE WATER OF LEITH  (S4x32)  4C Set           John Wilkinson  Edinburgh 90th Anniversary  1- 8    1+3Cs SET 1+3W dance dn, casts up round 2+4M into middle facing down as 1+3M dance across, cast round 2+4W into middle & face up 1+3Cs change pls RH with ptnr into line of 4 in middle (M face down, W […]

Eileen Watt’s Reel

EILEEN WATT’S REEL (R3x32) 3C set                                                        J Wilkinson 1- 8      1C cross RH & cast 1 place, lead down giving LH, cross below 3C & cast […]

September 13th

THE COMMITTEE MEETING (R8x32) 3C (4C set)                                                                        Ann Dix Reel Friends 3 1- 8        1C dance MIRROR […]

August 16th Red Dance Follow Me Home

FOLLOW ME HOME (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Ellie Briscoe RSCDS Book 38 1- 8 1’s set and cross RH, cast 1 place and turn LH (ending in a diagonal line LH to partner and RH with 1st corner) 9-16 1’s Balance-in-Line with 1st corners, ½ turn corners and 1’s followed by corners chase clockwise to 3rd […]

Red Dance

THE FIREWORKS REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set)                                                  A Lingnau RSDCS Book 48 1- 8           1C cross RH cast 1 place, ½ figs of 8 (1W up round […]

LINKS WITH ST PETERSBURG (J8x32) 3C (4C set)                                                                                        M Brown RSCDS Bk […]

Australian Ladies

THE AUSTRALIAN LADIES (R8x32) 3C (4C set)                                   R M Campbell Glasgow Assembly 1- 8        1C cross, cast down to 3rd place & 3+1Cs dance RH across. 9-16       1C lead up to top, cross, cast […]

Red Dance 12th July Whiteadder Jig

WHITEADDER JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Muriel A Johnstone Whiteadder Collection 1- 8 1’s+2’s Set&Link and dance RH across once round 9-16 1’s set and dance ½ LSh reel of 3 across (Lady with 2s and Man with 3s) into ½ reels on the sides (1’s end 2nd place opposite sides) 17-24 2’s+1’s+3’s Set&Link for 3 […]

Red Dance June 21st

THE CHEQUERED COURT (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Duncan Brown RSCDS Book 42  1- 8 1s cross RH, cast 1 place, 1s dance ½ Figs of 8 (Man round 2s and Lady round 3s) and end facing 1st corners 9-16 1s dance Pass & Turn with 1st corners and 1s twirl round in centre to face 4th […]

Luckenbooth Brooch (J8x32)

1-8 1s in prom hold (Lady on Man’s left) dance reel of 3 with 2s (RSh to 2M) & end facing 3M 9-16 1s dance reel with 3s (RSh to 3M) ending with 1s dancing across to Men’s side 17-24 1M casts up & 1L dn into centre & dance out Ladies side, 1M cast […]

John Cass

JOHN CASS (J5x32) 5C set                                    Peter Avery RSCDS Book 49 1- 8   1C lead down (2+3C step up 3-4), lead up to 3rd place and turn RH to face 3M with 1L following 1M 9-16   1C, 3M+2M, 4L+5L (all in tandem) dance alternating tandem reel on diagonal (1C pass 3M+2M Right Shoulder). […]

The Duchess Tree

THE DUCHESS TREE (S8x32) 3C (4C set)                        John Drewry       Brodie Book 1- 8   Reels of 3 on sides: To start, 1C dance in & cast, 2C CROSS up LH & 3C dance in, join nearer hands (facing DOWN) & cast up. All take hands where possible. FINISH the reel with 1C (nearer hands […]

For May 10th, The First Rain of Spring

THE FIRST RAIN OF SPRING (J3x32) 3C W. Joubert RSCDS Book 49 1- 8 1C dance down, cast up round 3C, meet, dance up to 1st place facing out. 1+2Cs 1/2 turn (M LH, W RH) 9-16 2+1Cs dance double Figs 8 (1C cross up, 2C cast to start) 17-20 1+3Cs 3/4 turn RH into […]

The Music & the Dance

The Music & the Dance (8x32S) 3C 4C set                            Ann Campbell 1-8       1C cross RH & cast off (2C step up) 1C dance a ½ fig 8 round 2C. 9-16     2+1+3Cs dance the Knot. 17-24     3 couple Set & Rotate:- 25-32      […]

Roaring Jelly

Roaring  Jelly (J8x32) 3C (4C set) H Foss Glendarroch SD Sheets 1- 8        1C cross RH, cast 1 place, cross RH & cast (M up & W down)to finish in the middle of the set. 9-16       1+2+3Cs 6Hands round & back (1C finish as before in centre) 17-24     1C […]

Barbara’s Strathspey

BARBARA’S STRATHSPEY  (S8x32)  3C (4C set)     S McKinnell  RSCDS Bk 46  1- 8   1C set & cast 1 pl, (2C step up) 1C dance ½ Fig of 8 (1M up 1W down )  9-16  2+1+3Cs set & 1C cross passing RSh, 2M+1M ALSO 1W+3W turn RH 1½ times on sides (THESE 4 DANCERS NOW […]

Red Dance

ORPINGTON CALEDONIANS  (R8x32)  3C (4C set) J Brenchley  RSCDS Book 49  1- 8   1C set, 1W casts followed by 1M, dances across to 2M’s pl facing out (2s step up 5-6).  1L+3M also 1M+3L turn LH 1/2 way & Men face out  9-16   3+1Cs Ladies Chain, 1M finishes facing out 17-24  1M followed by 1W […]

Miss Eleanor

  MISS ELEANOR  (S3x32) 3C Ann Dix  RSCDS Bk 49  1- 8   1+2+C3s dance Mirror (Reflection) reels of 3 on sides (1C in/down to start)  9-16   1C set, cast (2C step up) & turn RH.  1W casts to 3rd pl, 1M casts up to 1st pl (2M steps down & 3W steps up) 17-24  All […]

Cherry Blossom Time

CHERRY BLOSSOM TIME  (J8x32)  3C (4C set)              J Drewry Cherry Blossom Bk  1- 8        1W+2M change pls RH & cast to partners place while 1M+2W set & dance down OR up 1 pl, 1+2C’s dance RH across  9-16       1W+2M change pls LH & cast to original places while 1M+2W set & dance to […]

Red Dance

MACDONALD OF KEPPOCH (M-(S64+R64)) Sq.Set Chris Ronald RSCDS Bk 49 1- 8 1+3C dance 6 bars R&L (Men polite turns) to finish in centre B-to-B with partner facing side couples (1W+2W, 1M+4M, 3W+4W, 3M+2M). All set 9-16 Reels of 4 across. Finish in line up/down with Ladies (in middle) facing. 17-24 Reel of 4 (1W+3LWpass […]

The Red Dance March 8th

Juliet’s Reel (R8x32) 3C (4Cset)                                                                        Janet Favel, Dunedin NZ 1-4      1W sets & casts 1 place. (2W steps up 3&4). 5-8      1W dances round 3W passing LS while 1M sets + casts 1 place, (2M steps up 7&8). 9-16   1+2W also 1+3M reels of 3 on the sides passing RS, (2W finishes facing out). […]

ORPINGTON CALEDONIANS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) John Brenchley RSCDS Book 49 1- 8 1’s set, 1L casts and followed by 1M, dances across to 2M’s place facing out (2’s step up 5-6). 1L+3M also          1M+3L ½ turn LH and Men face out 9-16 3’s+1’s dance Ladies’ Chain, 1M finishes facing out 17-24 […]

Red Dance 14th September

Bill Clement MBE John Wilkinson  RSCDS Book 47 Jig   8 x 32 bars   3 Couple Repeat   4 Couple Set   Longwise Set   1-2   1’s set; 3-8   taking nearer hands, 1’s lead down below 3’s and cast up to finish left hands joined, facing first corners; 9-10 1’s set to corners, releasing hands, turning on the spot and taking right hands to finish facing partner’s first […]

September 7th Red Dance Orpington Caledonians

Orpington Caledonians John Brenchley   RSCDS Book 49 Reel   8 x 32 bars   3 Couple Repeat   4 Couple Set   Longwise Set   1-2   1’s set, 1L finishing facing out; 3-6   1L, followed by 1M, cast and chase to finish in 2nd place on opposite sides, 1L facing out; 7-8   1L3M 1M3L turn halfway by the left, 3M 1M finishing facing out; 9-16 3’s and 1’s ladies’ chain, 1M […]

Red Dance The Aviator

THE AVIATOR (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Carola Fischer-Tress RSCDS Book 52 1- 8 1’s lead down, on bar 4 1M crosses partner in front and 1L followed by 1M cast up behind 4M and 3M and across into 2nd place facing 3L (2’s step up 3-4) 9-16 1’s (1L leading) dance ½ alternating tandem reel with […]

July 13th Red Dance

MR WILLIAM BROWN’S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Hugh Foss Galloway Album 1- 8 1’s+2’s+3’s dance reflection reels on own sides (1’s in and down to start) 9-16 1’s turn RH into 2nd place (2’s move up), dance out and cast round 3’s and turn LH into 2nd place own sides 17-24 2’s+1’s dance ½ R&L […]

The Hunting Horn June 29th

THE HUNTING HORN (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Peter McBryde SCD Archives 1- 8 1’s cast 1 place, cross RH, cast below 3’s and dance up middle to 2nd place Back to Back in centre for Double Triangles 9-16 1’s dance Double Triangles and end facing 2nd corners 17-24 1’s dance diagonal reels of 4 with 2nd […]

The Luckenbooth Brooch

THE LUCKENBOOTH BROOCH (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Bowie Dickson Glendarroch Sh 28 1- 8 1C in prom hold (Lady on Man’s left) dance reel of 3 with 2C (RSh to 2M) and end facing 3M. 2C finish in top place. 9-16 1C dance reel with 3C (RSh to 3M) ending with 1C in the […]

Red Dance 26th August The Irish Rover

The Irish Rover James B. Cosh   22 Scottish Country Dances (and 2 more) Reel   8 x 32 bars   3 Couple Repeat   4 Couple Set   Longwise Set 1-2   Taking nearer hands, 1’s lead down below 3’s as 2’s move up 3-4   1’s cast up on own sides to 2nd place; 5-8   2’s with 1L and 1M with 3’s right hands across; 9-12 1’s half diagonal […]

March 25th – The Button Boy

( 3C Reel in a 4C set)                                                                                                      W Zobel 1- 8      1C Reels of 3 on own sides (1C in and down)                           9-16     1C Reels of 3 on opposite sides (6 bars for 1s & 2s),             1C dance down to end in 2nd place Back to Back facing opposite sides, 2C dance up to finish at […]